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Service Providers

This page contains information about connecting services to RCIAM in order to allow user login through RCIAM and to receive users' attributes. RCIAM is connected to a wide range of academic and social Identity Providers that users can choose from in order to access your service.

Service Provider integration workflow#

To integrate your Service Provider with the RCIAM service, you need to create a registration request using the RCIAM Federation Registry Portal. You can also use the Federation Registry portal to request the reconfiguration or deregistration of an existing deployed service. Service registration requests typically require approval by an administrator. Please refer to the Federation Registry Documentation for more information.

The integration follows a two-step process:

  1. Register your Service Provider and test integration with the demo instance of RCIAM by selecting the "Demo" integration environment during registration through the RCIAM Federation Registry Portal. The demo instance allows for testing authentication and authorisation through the academic and social Identity Providers connected to RCIAM without affecting the production RCIAM service. Note that while the demo instance has identical functionality to the production instance, no information is shared between the two systems.
  2. Register your Service Provider with the production instance of RCIAM by selecting the "Production" integration environment during registration through the RCIAM Federation Registry Portal. The production instance allows access to your service through the academic and social Identity Providers connected to RCIAM. This requires that your service integration has been thoroughly tested during Step 1.

The most important URLs for each environment are listed in the table below but more information can be found in the protocol-specific sections that follow.

ProtocolDemo environmentProduction environment
OpenID Connect

General Information#

RCIAM supports two authentication and authorisation protocols that you can choose from:

  1. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0
  2. OpenID Connect - an extension to OAuth 2.0

Regardless of which of the two protocols you are going to use, you need to provide the following information to connect your service to RCIAM:

  1. Name of the service (in English and optionally in other languages supported by the service)
  2. Short description of the service
  3. Website (URL) for localised information about the service; the content found at the URL SHOULD provide more complete information than what provided by the description
  4. Contact information of the following types:
    • Helpdesk/Support contact information (for redirecting user)
    • Administrative
    • Technical
    • Security/incident response
  5. Privacy statement URL: The privacy policy is used to document the data collected and processed by the service. You can use the Privacy Policy template
  6. Logo URL (optional for showing in catalogues); if provided, logos SHOULD:
    • use a transparent background where appropriate to facilitate the usage of logos within a user interface
    • use PNG, or GIF (less preferred), images
    • use HTTPS URLs in order to avoid mixed-content warnings within browsers
    • have a size larger than 40000 and smaller than 50000 characters when encoded in base64
  7. Country of the service
  8. Compliance with the policies

SAML Service Provider#

To enable federated access to a web-based application, you can connect to the RCIAM IdP as a SAML Service Provider (SP). Users of the application will be redirected to RCIAM in order to log in, and RCIAM can authenticate them using any of the supported backend authentication mechanisms, such as institutional IdPs registered with eduGAIN or Social Providers. Once the user is authenticated, RCIAM will return a SAML assertion to the application containing information about the authenticated user.

Metadata registration#

SAML authentication relies on the use of metadata. Both parties (you as a SP and the RCIAM IdP) need to exchange metadata in order to know and trust each other. The metadata include information such as the location of the service endpoints that need to be invoked, as well as the certificates that will be used to sign SAML messages. The format of the exchanged metadata should be based on the XML-based SAML 2.0 specification. Usually, you will not need to manually create such an XML document, as this is automatically generated by all major SAML 2.0 SP software solutions (e.g., Shibboleth, SimpleSAMLphp, and mod_auth_mellon). It is important that you serve your metadata over HTTPS using a browser-friendly SSL certificate, i.e. issued by a trusted certificate authority.

You can get the metadata of the RCIAM IdP Proxy on a dedicated URL that depends on the integration environment being used:

Demo environmentProduction environment

To register your SAML SP, you must submit a service registration request at Federation Registry. Your request should include the general information about your service (see General Information) and the SP's metadata and entity id.


Metadata provided by your SP should contain a descriptive name of the service that your SP represents in at least English. It is recommended to also provide the name in other languages which are commonly used in the geographic scope of the deployment. The name should be placed in the <md:ServiceName> in the <md:AttributeConsumingService> container.

It is recommended that the <md:IDPSSODescriptor> element included in your SP metadata contains both an AuthnRequestsSigned and an WantAssertionsSigned attribute set to true.

Your SP metadata should also contain contact information for support and for a technical contact. The <md:EntityDescriptor> element should contain both a <md:ContactPerson> element with a contactType of "support" and a <md:ContactPerson> element with a contactType of "technical". The <md:ContactPerson> elements should contain at least one <md:EmailAddress>. The support address may be used for generic support questions about the service, while the technical contact may be contacted regarding technical interoperability problems. The technical contact must be responsible for the technical operation of the service represented by your SP.


The RCIAM IdP is guaranteed to release a minimal subset of the REFEDS R&S attribute bundle to connected Service Providers without administrative involvement, subject to user consent. The following attributes constitute a minimal subset of the R&S attribute bundle:

  • Persistent, non-reassignable, non-targeted, opaque, globally unique RCIAM user ID (eduPersonUniqueId); this is always scoped
  • Email address (mail)
  • Display name (displayName) OR (givenName AND sn)

A more extensive list of all the attributes that may be made available to Service Providers is included in the User Attribute section.

Attribute-based authorisation#

RCIAM provides information about the authenticated user that may be used by Service Providers in order to control user access to resources. This information is provided by the RCIAM IdP in the SAML attribute assertion. The table below lists the SAML attributes that are relevant for user authorisation:

DescriptionSAML Attribute
VO/group membership/roles of the authenticated usereduPersonEntitlement
Identity AssuranceeduPersonAssurance


OpenID Connect Service Provider#

Service Providers can be integrated with RCIAM using OpenID Connect (OIDC) as an alternative to the SAML2 protocol. To allow this, the RCIAM IdP provides an OpenID Connect (OAuth2) API based on MITREid Connect, which has been certified by the OpenID Foundation. Interconnection with the RCIAM OIDC Provider allows users to sign in using any of the supported backend authentication mechanisms, such as institutional IdPs registered with eduGAIN or Social Providers. Once the user has signed in, RCIAM can return OIDC Claims containing information about the authenticated user.

Client registration#

Before your service can use the RCIAM OIDC Provider for user login, you must submit a service registration request using Federation Registry in order to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials. The client configuration should include the general information about your service, as described in General Information section.

Obtaining OAuth 2.0 credentials#

You need OAuth 2.0 credentials, which typically include a client ID and client secret, to authenticate users through the RCIAM OIDC Provider.

You can specify the client ID and secret when creating/editing your client or let them being automatically generated during registration (recommended).

To find the ID and secret of your client, do the following:

  1. Select your client from the Manage Services Page.
  2. Look for the Client ID in the Protocol tab.
  3. Select the Display/edit client secret: option from the Protocol tab.

You can copy these values using the green copy button next to the desired field.

Setting one or more Redirection URIs#

The Redirection URI(s) that you set when creating/editing your client determine where the RCIAM OIDC Provider sends responses to your authentication requests. Note that the Redirection URI MUST use the https scheme; the use of http Redirection URIs is only allowed in the demo environment.

To find the Redirection URI(s) for your client, do the following:

  1. Open the Manage Services
  2. Find the redirect URIs for your client listed under the Protocol column of the overview table or Edit the particular client and look for the Redirect URI(s) in the Protocol tab.

Setting additional information about the client#

It is strongly suggested that you add a short description and a logo for the client. Lastly, you need to set the email addresses of one or more contacts.


The RCIAM UserInfo Endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource that returns specific information about the authenticated End-User as Claim Values. To obtain the requested Claims about the End-User, the Client makes a request to the UserInfo Endpoint using an Access Token obtained through OpenID Connect Authentication. The scopes associated with the Access Token used to access the RCIAM UserInfo Endpoint will determine what Claims will be released. These Claims are represented by a JSON object that contains a collection of name and value pairs for the Claims.

The following scope values can be used to request Claims from the RCIAM UserInfo Endpoint:

  • name
  • given_name
  • family_name
  • preferred_username
  • email
  • email_verified
  • voperson_verified_email

A more extensive list of all the attributes that may be made available to Service Providers is included in the User Attribute section.

Grant Types#

RCIAM supports the following OpenID Connect/OAuth2 grant types:

  • Authorization Code: used by Web Apps executing on a server.
  • Token Exchange: used by clients to request and obtain security tokens in support of delegated access to resources.
  • Device Code: used by devices that lack a browser to perform a user-agent based OAuth flow.


The most important OIDC/OAuth2 endpoints are listed below:

EndpointDemo environmentProduction environment
Provider configuration
Client registrationhttps://federation-demo.rciam.grnet.gr
Device Code
JSON Web Key(jwt)
User Info

Authorization Endpoint#

The Authorization Endpoint performs Authentication of the End-User. This is done by sending the User Agent to the Authorization Server\'s Authorization Endpoint for Authentication and Authorization, using request parameters defined by OAuth 2.0 and additional parameters and parameter values defined by OpenID Connect.

The request parameters of the Authorization endpoint are:

  • client_id: id of the client that ask for authentication to the Authorization Server.
  • redirect_uri: URI to which the response will be sent.
  • scope: A list of attributes that the application requires.
  • state: Opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback.
  • response_type: value that determines the authorization processing flow to be used. For Authorization Code grant set response_type=code. This way the response will include an authorization code.

Token Endpoint#

To obtain an Access Token, an ID Token, and optionally a Refresh Token, the Client sends a Token Request to the Token Endpoint.

Depending on the grant type, the following parameters are required:

Authorization Code#
codeRequiredThe value of the code in the response from authorization endpoint.
redirect_uriRequiredURI to which the response will be sent (must be the same as the request to authorization endpoint)
Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)#

The Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE, pronounced pixie) extension (RFC 7636) describes a technique for public clients (clients without client_secret) to mitigate the threat of having the authorization code intercepted. The technique involves the client first creating a secret, and then using that secret again when exchanging the authorization code for an access token. This way if the code is intercepted, it will not be useful since the token request relies on the initial secret.

Client configuration#

To enable PKCE you need to go to the Manage Services Page and create/edit a client. In "Protocol" tab under "Token Endpoint Authentication Method" select "No authentication" and in "Crypto" tab under "Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Code Challenge Method" select "SHA-256 hash algorithm".

Protocol Flow#

Because the PKCE-enhanced Authorization Code Flow builds upon the standard Authorization Code Flow, the steps are very similar.

First, the client creates and records a secret named the code_verifier. The code_verifier is a high-entropy cryptographic random STRING using the unreserved characters [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "." / "_" / "~", with a minimum length of 43 characters and a maximum length of 128 characters. Then the client creates a code_challenge derived from the code_verifier by using one of the following transformations on the code verifier:

  • plain code_challenge = code_verifier
  • S256 code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier)))

If the client is capable of using S256, it MUST use S256. Clients are permitted to use plain only if they cannot support S256 for some technical reason.


There are various tools that generate these values such as

Then the code_challenge is sent in the Authorization Request along with the transformation method (code_challenge_method).

Example request:

GET "${AUTHORISATION_ENDPOINT}?      client_id=${CLIENT_ID}      &scope=openid%20profile%20email      &redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URI}      &response_type=code      &code_challenge=${CODE_CHALLENGE}      &code_challenge_method=S256"

You can find the Authorisation Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

The Authorization Endpoint responds as usual but records code_challenge and the code_challenge_method.

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found  Location: ${REDIRECT_URI}?    code=fgtLHT

The client then sends the authorization code in the Access Token Request as usual but includes the code_verifier secret generated in the first request.

Example request:

curl -X POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \  -d "grant_type=authorization_code" \  -d "code=${CODE}" \  -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \  -d "redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URI}" \  -d "code_verifier=${CODE_VERIFIER}" | python -m json.tool

You can find the Token Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

The authorization server transforms code_verifier and compares it to code_challenge from the first request. Access is denied if they are not equal.

Example response:

{  "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ...",  "expires_in": 3599,  "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ...",  "scope": "openid email profile",  "token_type": "Bearer"}
Refresh request#

The following request allows obtaining an access token from a refresh token using the grant_type value refresh_token:

client_idRequiredThe identifier of the client.
client_secretRequiredThe secret value of the client.
refresh_tokenRequiredThe value of the refresh token
scopeRequiredThis parameter should contain openid at least

Example request:

curl -X POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \  -u "${CLIENT_ID}":"${CLIENT_SECRET}" \  -d "grant_type=refresh_token" \  -d "refresh_token=${REFRESH_TOKEN}" \  -d "scope=openid%20email%20profile" | python -m json.tool;

You can find the Token Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

Example response:

{  "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWx...",  "expires_in": 3599,  "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYW...",  "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJub25...",  "scope": "openid profile email",  "token_type": "Bearer"}
Refresh Request with PKCE#

To combine the refresh token grant type with PKCE you need to make the following request:

curl -X POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \  -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \  -d "grant_type=refresh_token" \  -d "refresh_token=${REFRESH_TOKEN}" \  -d "scope=openid%20email%20profile" | python -m json.tool;

You can find the Token Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

Token Exchange#

To get a token from client B using a token issued for client A, the parameters of the request are:

audienceOptionalDefine the logical name of the service that the token will be used for
subject_tokenRequiredThe value of the access token
subject_token_typeRequiredurn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token (because this feature accepts access tokens only)
scopeOptionalDefine one or more scopes that are contained in the original token; otherwise all scopes will be selected

Example request:

curl -X POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \  -u "${CLIENT_B_ID}":"${CLIENT_B_SECRET}" \  -d "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" \  -d "audience=tokenExchange" \  -d "subject_token=${ACCESS_TOKEN_A}" \  -d "subject_token_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token" \  -d "scope=openid%20profile%20offline_access" | python -m json.tool;

You can find the Token Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

Example response:

{  "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIjoiUl...",  "expires_in": 3599,  "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJvaWRjIiwiYWxnIjoiUl...",  "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJleHAiO...",  "scope": "openid profile offline_access",  "token_type": "Bearer"}
Device Code#

The device code flow enables OAuth clients on (input-constrained) devices to obtain user authorization for accessing protected resources without using an on-device user-agent, provided that they have an Internet connection.

1. Device Authorization Request#

The client initiates the authorization flow by requesting a set of verification codes from the authorization server by making an HTTP "POST" request to the device authorization endpoint. The client constructs the request with the following parameters:

client_idRequiredThe identifier of the client
scopeOptionalDefine one or more scopes that are contained in the original token; otherwise all scopes will be selected

Example request:

curl -X POST "${DEVICE_CODE_ENDPOINT}" \  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \  -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \  -d "scope=openid%20email%20profile" | python -m json.tool

You can find the Device Code Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

Example response:

{  "device_code": "c4341bd6-5e82-4f9c-9f6f-5842409d48db",  "expires_in": 600,  "user_code": "IEJSJB",  "verification_uri": ""}
2. User Interaction#

After receiving a successful Authorization Response, the client displays or otherwise communicates the user_code and the verification_uri to the end user and instructs them to visit the URI in a user agent on a secondary device (for example, in a browser on their mobile phone), and enter the user code.

3. Device Access Token Request#

After displaying instructions to the user, the client makes an Access Token Request to the token endpoint. The request contains the following parameters:

device_codeRequiredThe device verification code, device_code from the Device Authorization Response
client_idRequiredThe identifier of the client
client_secretRequiredThe secret value of the client
scopeOptionalDefine one or more scopes that are contained in the original token; otherwise all scopes will be selected

Example request:

curl -X POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \  -d "grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Adevice_code" \  -d "device_code=${DEVICE_CODE}" \  -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \  -d "client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET}" \  -d "scope=openid%20profile" | python -m json.tool

You can find the Token Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

Example response:

{  "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIs...",  "expires_in": 3599,  "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiI5MDM0Mi...",  "scope": "openid profile",  "token_type": "Bearer"}
Device Code with PKCE#

To combine Device Code flow with PKCE you need to make the following requests:

1 - Device Authorization Request:

curl -X POST "${DEVICE_CODE_ENDPOINT}" \  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \  -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \  -d "scope=openid%20email%20profile" \  -d "code_challenge=${CODE_CHALLENGE}" \  -d "code_challenge_method=S256" | python -m json.tool

You can find the Device Code Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

2 - Device Access Token Request

curl -X POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \  -d "grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Adevice_code" \  -d "device_code=${DEVICE_CODE}" \  -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" \  -d "code_verifier=${CODE_VERIFIER}" | python -m json.tool

You can find the Token Endpoint in the Endpoints table.

Claims-based authorisation#

RCIAM provides information about the authenticated user that may be used by Service Providers in order to control user access to resources. This information is provided by the RCIAM OIDC Provider in the form of OIDC claims. The table below lists the claims that are relevant for user authorisation:

DescriptionOIDC Claim
VO/group membership/roles of the authenticated usereduperson_entitlement
Identity Assuranceeduperson_assurance

Example OIDC Client#

In this guide we will demonstrate how to install and configure a Simple OIDC Client.

Install simple-oidc-client-php#

This guide assumes the Apache HTTP server has been installed and the document root is /var/www/html

Move to the apache document root and download and extract

Configure Client#

Login to the RCIAM Federation Registry

Then create a new service or edit your existing service. In General tab fill all the required fields. For Integration Environment select Demo. In Protocol Specific tab select as Protocol the OIDC Service and then in the Redirect URI(s) insert your simple-oidc-client-php URL (e.g. http://localhost/simple-oidc-client-php/refreshtoken.php). This URL must link to refreshtoken.php which is located in simple-oidc-client-php directory. Next, in Scope select the scopes that your service needs. Then, submit the form and and self approve it. Finally you should get a pair of Client ID and Client Secret.

Configure simple-oidc-client-php#

Now that you have everything you need, you can configure your login settings. Go to your terminal and open config.php with your favorite text editor.


vi simple-oidc-client-php/config.php

Let's go quickly through the settings:

  • title required, the title on the navigation bar
  • img required, the source of the logo
  • scope_info optional, a message that informs the user for the application requirements
  • issuer required, the base URL of our IdentityServer instance. This will allow oidc-client to query the metadata endpoint so it can validate the tokens
  • client_id required, the id of the client we want to use when hitting the authorization endpoint
  • client_secret optional, a value the offers better security to the message flow
  • pkceCodeChallengeMethod optional, a string that defines the code challenge method for PKCE. Choose between plain or S256.
  • redirect_url required, the redirect URL where the client and the browser agree to send and receive correspondingly the code
  • scopesDefine required, defines the scopes the client supports
  • refresh_token_note optional, info for the refresh token
  • access_token_note optional, info for the access token
  • manage_token_note optional, message the informs the user where can manage his tokens
  • manageTokens optional, URL of the manage tokens service
  • sessionName required, define the name of the cookie session
  • sessionLifetime required, define the duration of the session. This must be equal to the validity time of the access token.

You must change the followings options based on your Service configuration you setup earlier:

  • issuer
  • client_id
  • client_secret
  • redirect_url
  • scopesDefine
  • sessionName (based on the installation path of the portal)

An example configuration follows:

<?php// index.php interface configuration$title = "Generate Tokens";$img = "";$scope_info = "This service requires the following permissions for your account:";
// Client configuration$issuer = "";$client_id = "CHANGE_ME";$client_secret = "CHANGE_ME";  // comment if you are using PKCE// $pkceCodeChallengeMethod = "S256";   // uncomment to use PKCE$redirect_url = "http://localhost/simple-oidc-client-php/refreshtoken.php";// add scopes as keys and a friendly message of the scope as value$scopesDefine = array(    'openid' => 'log in using your identity',    'email' => 'read your email address',    'profile' => 'read your basic profile info',);// refreshtoken.php interface configuration$refresh_token_note = "NOTE: New refresh tokens expire in 12 months.";$access_token_note = "NOTE: New access tokens expire in 1 hour.";$manage_token_note = "You can manage your refresh tokens in the following link: ";$manageTokens = $issuer . "manage/user/services";$sessionName = "simple-oidc-client-php";$sessionLifetime = 60*60;  // must be equal to access token validation time in seconds

User attributes#

This section defines the attributes that can be made available to services connected to RCIAM.


attribute nameRCIAM ID
descriptionAn identifier for the user, unique among all RCIAM accounts and never reused
SAML Attribute(s) (eduPersonUniqueId)
OIDC scopeopenid
OIDC claim(s)sub
OIDC claim location
  • ID token
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originRCIAM assigns this attribute on user registration
notesUse RCIAM ID within your application as the unique-identifier key for the user

2. Display Name#

attribute nameDisplay Name
descriptionThe user's full name, in a displayable form
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 (displayName)
OIDC scopeprofile
OIDC claim(s)name
OIDC claim locationUserinfo endpoint
originProvided by user's Identity Provider
exampleJohn Doe

3. Given Name#

attribute nameGiven Name
descriptionThe user's first name
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (givenName)
OIDC scopeprofile
OIDC claim(s)given_name
OIDC claim locationUserinfo endpoint
originProvided by user's Identity Provider

4. Family Name#

attribute nameFamily Name
descriptionThe user's last name
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (sn)
OIDC scopeprofile
OIDC claim(s)family_name
OIDC claim locationUserinfo endpoint
originProvided by user's Identity Provider

5. Username#

attribute nameUsername
descriptionThe username by which the user wishes to be referred to
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 (uid)
OIDC scopeprofile
OIDC claim(s)preferred_username
OIDC claim location
  • ID token
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originRCIAM assigns this attribute on user registration
notesThe Service Provider MUST NOT rely upon this value being unique

6. Email Address#

attribute nameEmail Address
descriptionThe user's email address
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 (mail)
OIDC scopeemail
OIDC claim(s)email
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originProvided by user's Identity Provider
notesThis MAY NOT be unique and is NOT suitable for use as a primary key

7. Verified email flag#

attribute nameVerified email flag
descriptionTrue if the user's email address has been verified; otherwise false
SAML Attribute(s)See Verified email list
OIDC scopeemail
OIDC claim(s)email_verified
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originRCIAM assigns this attribute on user registration
notesThis claim is available only in OpenID Connect

8. Verified email list#

attribute nameVerified email list
descriptionA list of user's email addresses that have been verified
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (voPersonVerifiedEmail)
OIDC scopeemail
OIDC claim(s)voperson_verified_email
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originRCIAM or the user's Identity Provider
availabilityNot always

9. Affiliation#

attribute nameAffiliation
descriptionThe user's affiliation within a particular security domain (scope)
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (eduPersonScopedAffiliation)
OIDC scopeeduperson_scoped_affiliation
OIDC claim(s)eduperson_scoped_affiliation
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originRCIAM assigns this attribute on user registration
notesService Providers are encouraged to validate the scope of this attribute

10. Groups#

attribute nameGroups
descriptionThe user's group/VO membership/role information expressed as entitlements
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (eduPersonEntitlement)
OIDC scopeeduperson_entitlement
OIDC claim(s)eduperson_entitlement
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originGroup memberships are managed by group administrators
availabilityNot always

11. Capabilities#

attribute nameCapabilities
descriptionThis attribute describes the resource or child-resource a user is allowed to access, optionally specifying certain actions the user is entitled to perform, as described in AARC-G027
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (eduPersonEntitlement)
OIDC scopeeduperson_entitlement
OIDC claim(s)eduperson_entitlement
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originCapabilities are managed by RCIAM
availabilityNot always

12. Assurance#

attribute nameAssurance
descriptionAssurance of the identity of the user, following REFEDS Assurance Framework (RAF) and the RCIAM AAI Assurance Profiles. The following RAF values are qualified and automatically set for all Community identities:
  • $PREFIX$
  • $PREFIX$/ID/unique
  • $PREFIX$/ID/eppn-unique-no-reassign
  • $PREFIX$/IAP/low
  • $PREFIX$/ATP/ePA-1m
  • $PREFIX$/ATP/ePA-1d
Following RAF values are set if the currently used authentication provider asserts (or otherwise qualifies to) them:
  • $PREFIX$/IAP/medium
  • $PREFIX$/IAP/high
The following compound profiles are asserted if the user qualifies to them
  • $PREFIX$/profile/cappuccino
  • $PREFIX$/profile/espresso
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (eduPersonAssurance)
OIDC scopeeduperson_assurance
OIDC claim(s)eduperson_assurance
OIDC claim location
  • Userinfo endpoint
  • Introspection endpoint
originRCIAM assigns this attribute on user registration
availabilityNot always

13. SSH Public Key#

attribute nameSSH Public Key
descriptionProvides information about the user's SSH public key(s)
SAML Attribute(s)urn:oid: (sshPublicKey)
OIDC scopessh_public_key
OIDC claim(s)ssh_public_key
OIDC claim locationUserinfo endpoint
originAdded SSH public key(s) in user's RCIAM Profile
availabilityNot always
examplessh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC...qxxEEipdnZ

User authorisation#

The following information about the authenticated user can be provided by RCIAM in order to control user access to resources:

  1. VO/group membership and role information about the authenticated user
  2. Capabilities
  3. Identity Assurance

VO/group membership and role information#


VO/group membership and role information is encoded in entitlements (eduPersonEntitlement attribute values in SAML or eduperson_entitlement claim in OIDC). These entitlements are typically used to indicate access rights to protected resources. Entitlements are multi-valued, with each value formatted as a URN.


An entitlement value expressing group membership and role information has the following syntax (components enclosed in square brackets are OPTIONAL):<GROUP>[:<SUBGROUP>*][:role=<ROLE>]#<GROUP-AUTHORITY>


  • <GROUP> is the name of a VO, research collaboration or a top level arbitrary group. <GROUP> names are unique within the namespace;
  • zero or more <SUBGROUP> components represent the hierarchy of subgroups in the <GROUP>; specifying sub-groups is optional
  • the optional <ROLE> component is scoped to the rightmost (sub)group; if no group information is specified, the role applies to the VO
  • <GROUP-AUTHORITY> is a non-empty string that indicates the authoritative source for the entitlement value. For example, it can be the FQDN of the group management system that is responsible for the identified group membership information




The user's capability information is encoded in entitlements (eduPersonEntitlement attribute values in SAML or eduperson_entitlement claim in OIDC). These entitlements are typically used to indicate access rights to protected resources. Entitlements are multi-valued, with each value formatted as a URN following the syntax defined in AARC-G027.


An entitlement value expressing a capability has the following syntax (components enclosed in square brackets are OPTIONAL):



  • <NAMESPACE> is controlled by the e-infrastructure, research infrastructure or research collaboration that manages the capability. The <NAMESPACE> of capabilities managed by RCIAM is set to, while, generally, it is in the form of urn:<NID>:<DELEGATED-NAMESPACE>[:<SUBNAMESPACE>]... where:

    • <NID> is the namespace identifier associated with a URN namespace registered with IANA2, ensuring global uniqueness. Implementers SHOULD use one of the existing registered URN namespaces, such as urn:mace[MACE].

    • <DELEGATED-NAMESPACE> is a URN sub-namespace delegated from one of the IANA registered NIDs to an organisation representing the e-infrastructure, research infrastructure or research collaboration. It is RECOMMENDED that a publicly accessible URN value registry for each delegated namespace be provided.

  • The literal string "res" indicates that this is a resource-specific entitlement as opposed to, for example, an entitlement used for expressing group membership AARC-G002.

  • <RESOURCE> is the name of the resource. Whether the name should be unique is an implementation decision.

  • An optional list of colon-separated <CHILD-RESOURCE> components represents a specific branch of the hierarchy of resources under the identified <RESOURCE>.

  • An optional list of comma-separated <ACTION>s MAY be included, which, if present, MUST be prefixed with the literal string “act”. This component MAY be used for further specifying the actions a user is entitled to do at a given resource. Note that the list of <ACTION>s is scoped to the rightmost child-resource; if no child-resource information is specified, actions apply to the top level resource. The interpretation of a capability without actions specified is an implementation detail.

  • <AUTHORITY> is a mandatory and non-empty string that indicates the authoritative source of the capability. This SHOULD be used to further specify the exact issuing instance. For example, it MAY be the FQDN of the service that issued that specific capability. The <AUTHORITY> is specified in the f-component RFC8141 of the URN; thus, it is introduced by the number sign ("#") character and terminated by the end of the URN. All characters must be encoded according to RFC8141. Hence, the <AUTHORITY> MUST NOT be considered when determining equivalence (Section 3 in RFC8141) of URN-formatted capabilities. The <AUTHORITY> of capabilities managed by RCIAM is typically set to


Identity Assurance#

Based on the authentication method selected by the user, the RCIAM proxy assigns a Identity Assurance, which is conveyed to the SP through both the eduPersonAssurance attribute and the Authentication Context Class (AuthnContextClassRef) of the SAML authentication response. RCIAM uses Assurance Profiles which distinguish between three Identity Assurance levels, similarly to the eID Assurance Framework (eIDAF). Each level is represented by a URI as follows:

  • Low: Authentication through a social identity provider or other low identity assurance provider:
  • Substantial: Password/X.509 authentication at the user\'s home IdP:
  • High: Substantial + multi-factor authn (not yet supported, TBD):

Moreover, RCIAM follows the REFEDS Assurance framework (RAF). The RCIAM conveys any RAF values provided by the IdP directly to the SP, through the aforementioned methods. Furthermore, RCIAM will append into the User's profile any additional LoA, if the user is eligible for it. For example, a user having a Verified Email is eligible for the RAF value

Some RCIAM SPs have been configured to provide limited access (or not to accept at all) credentials with the Low LoA.